Four ways to leave work at work


It's so important when you have a demanding job like being a teacher, that you find some time to switch off from work. Not only is it important for you to have a life outside of work, it’s essential for your mental health to destress in order to avoid burnout. So, here are 4 simple ways to switch off from work.

Set a time to switch off your emails

We live in a world where everyone is contactable all the time, thanks to our plethora of phones, tablets and computers. It's so easy to open an email when it pops up on your phone in the evening. Especially as a teacher, as most parents will get around to sending their emails to school in the evening. So, the best thing to do is to set a time where you will switch off from emails and turn your notifications off. The emails will all be there for you in the morning.

Do your marking and prep at work

With so much marking and planning that comes with teaching, it's so easy to take your work home with you. This can make switching off from work difficult. An easy way to keep work-life and home-life separate is to stay at work to get the work done.

Again, set yourself a time to work until and get as much as you can get done in that time. Of course, there will be times when this won’t be possible but if you try to keep to this, it means when you go home, your home time is your own time.

Write a to do list

Before you leave for the day, write a list of things you need to do and then leave it there, ready for the next day or the following week. You can then go home knowing that what you need to do tomorrow is ready and waiting for you and you can enjoy your evening.

We hope these tips are useful. They are very simple and will not always be possible to do with varying workloads, but doing these things where you can will help you leave work at work.