Working in a school may have its challenges, however they can be far outweighed by the numerous rewards you are likely to encounter from your experience. If you’re passionate you can help change lives every day and support the next generation to be the best version of themselves.
With online teaching becoming more common practice in Further Education these days, here are our top tips for teaching online and engaging your students.
With the ever-changing Corona Virus situation, many schools and colleges are choosing to carry out video interviews instead of face-to-face ones. So, we’ve put together a few tips to help interviewers and interviewees have a smooth video interview.
An exam invigilator is an essential part of every school and college. Being an exam invigilator is a great way to earn some extra money during exam season and/or gain some experience within an education setting to add to your CV.
Many people will say that working with children who have Special Educational Needs (SEN) is a challenge. Like any form of teaching, there can be stressful and frustrating times. Here are 4 reasons to work in SEN.